Phoenix T'ai Chi Centre
Name of founder:
Gloria Jenner
CTF Certification
Level 3 - Senior Instructor
Steven Holbert
CTF Certification
Level 2 - Senior Associate Instructor
Tai chi styles taught or practiced :
Yang, Sun
108; modern Beijing 24; 48
Sword forms--16 and 32
Location where classes are held (main location):
Epiphany Memorial Hall
19A Holborn Avenue
London, Ontario
Mailing address:
708-82 Ridout St S,
London, Ontario
School phone number:
1-866-684-4689 (fax)
Name of founder:
Gloria Jenner
CTF Certification
Level 3 - Senior Instructor
Steven Holbert
CTF Certification
Level 2 - Senior Associate Instructor
Tai chi styles taught or practiced :
Yang, Sun
108; modern Beijing 24; 48
Sword forms--16 and 32
Location where classes are held (main location):
Epiphany Memorial Hall
19A Holborn Avenue
London, Ontario
Mailing address:
708-82 Ridout St S,
London, Ontario
School phone number:
1-866-684-4689 (fax)
Name of founder:
Gloria Jenner
CTF Certification
Level 3 - Senior Instructor
Steven Holbert
CTF Certification
Level 2 - Senior Associate Instructor
Tai chi styles taught or practiced :
Yang, Sun
108; modern Beijing 24; 48
Sword forms--16 and 32
Location where classes are held (main location):
Epiphany Memorial Hall
19A Holborn Avenue
London, Ontario
Mailing address:
708-82 Ridout St S,
London, Ontario
School phone number:
1-866-684-4689 (fax) Milton ON
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